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  • Disponible depuis le 6 septembre, ce fameux pack, annoncé en juillet dernier, regroupe un ensemble de services sous le nom de "Windows Live Suite" en version bêta. Les publicités sur le site et l’utilisation des applications en ligne permettent à Microsoft de vous offrir cette suite gratuitement.

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  • "CartaGoGo" est un petit logiciel (2.34 Mo) qui permet de réaliser de belles cartes de visites tout en ayant la possibilité de choisir la taille, le fond, la police, les angles et plus encore.

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  • Milla Jovovich s'Énerve


    L'actrice américaine Milla Jovovich s'énerve sur le plateau de Thierry Ardisson

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  • Carrie Prejean told FOX's Sean Hannity on Monday night, November 9, that her solo 'sex tape' was the biggest mistake of her life

    Carrie Prejean sex tape video

    Carrie said she was a teenager at that time and did not think the tape would ever come out, acknowledging that was bad judgment on her part.

    She emphasized that she was not having sex with anybody in the so called 'sex tape.'

    "I was all by myself and I was sending my boyfriend at the time, whom I loved and cared about, a video of me," Carrie told Sean.

    "It is embarrassing and it is humiliating to be talking about it now on national TV," she added.

    Asked if the tape bothered her, Carrie said it did, adding, "I take full responsibility for it."
    News Copyright © Sawf News. May not be reproduced without explicit written permission

    Sawf News

    the sextape video that just got leaked!
    Carrie Prejean Sextape
    Video Full -
    Miss California Sextape Video Leaked! Carrie
    Carrie Prejean talks about her sex tape, and a drunk woman stops train traffic.

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